If you’re looking for more info, you’re in the right place.
Security matters. Download an overview of 75F's IoT-based Building Management System security practices.
Explore testimonials, hardware, webcasts, product tutorials and more.
We put the "smart" in "Smart Cities." Browse third-party studies from the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) and other long-form opinions and guides written for building professionals at the intersection of IoT, hardware, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality.
75F Scaled Solutions: From Configurable to Customizable
An exploration of the 75F IoT-based BMS control capabilities, from plug-and-play solutions for commercial buildings' most common equipment to integrated solutions for their most complicated.
Resiliency in IoT-Based Building Management Systems
How stable can a building automation system be if it uses IoT for system features and functionality? Learn how resilience in an IoT-based BAS is integral to its system architecture.
NREL Study: Energy Savings in Large Hotels
A study on the IoT BMS in large hotels across 857 granular climate zones in the U.S. demonstrates up to 26% total-building energy savings.
NREL Study: Energy Savings in Large Offices
A study on the IoT BMS in large offices across 857 granular climate zones in the U.S. demonstrates up to 23% total-building energy savings.
NREL Study: Energy Savings in Medium Offices
A study on the IoT BMS in medium office spaces across 857 granular climate zones in the U.S. demonstrates up to 31% total-building energy savings.
NREL Study: Energy Savings in Small Offices
A study on the IoT BMS in small offices across 857 granular climate zones in the U.S. demonstrates up to 26% total-building energy savings.
NREL Study: Energy Savings in Strip Malls
A study on the IoT BMS in strip malls across 857 granular climate zones in the U.S. demonstrates up to 26% total-building energy savings using just economizer control.
NREL Study: Energy Savings in Stand-Alone Retail
A study on the IoT BMS in stand-alone retail buildings across 857 granular climate zones in the U.S. demonstrates up to 19% total-building energy savings using just economizer control.
NREL Study: Energy Savings in Mid-Rise Apartments
A study on the IoT BMS in Mid-Rise Apartments across 857 granular climate zones in the U.S. demonstrates up to 17% total-building energy savings.
NREL Study: Energy Savings in Outpatient Healthcare
A study on the IoT BMS in outpatient healthcare facilities across 857 granular climate zones in the U.S. demonstrates up to 21% total-building energy savings.
NREL Study: Energy Savings in Secondary Schools
A study on the IoT BMS in secondary schools across 857 granular climate zones in the U.S. demonstrates up to 17% total-building energy savings.
NREL Study: Energy Savings in Primary Schools
A study on the IoT BMS in primary schools across 857 granular climate zones in the U.S. demonstrates up to 14% total-building energy savings.
NREL Study: Comprehensive Results in All Building Types
A study on the IoT BMS in 10 building types across 857 granular climate zones in the U.S.
7 Ways Technology Will Transform Buildings in the Next Decade
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