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75F MyStat:
Zone and Two-Stage Equipment Control, the Easy Way.

Comfort Made Simple.

This compact, versatile thermostat is designed to bring affordable and efficient HVAC control to a wide range of spaces. With advanced temperature, humidity, and occupancy sensing, MyStat optimizes energy use in hotels, dorms, and other guest-facing settings.​

MyStat Data Sheet

Efficiency Through Automation

Advanced occupancy sensing ensures optimal comfort when spaces are in use and reduces energy waste when unoccupied.

Auto Away & Auto Force Occupied

Effortless Updates

Over-the-air firmware updates through the 75F Central Control Unit (CCU) means the MyStat is always running on the latest and greatest, hands free.

More about the CCU

Enhanced Connectivity

Seamlessly integrates into the 75F ecosystem via a robust wireless mesh network.Also features RS485 communication for wired BACnet and Modbus integration and support for wireless door/window sensors for additional automation.

How 75F Works

Compact & Adaptable

The MyStat is tailored for versatile HVAC setups, providing reliable control without excessive or intrusive equipment.

MyStat Data Sheet

Ready to Upgrade Your Building Suites' Comfort and Efficiency?

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