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Dynamic Chilled Water Balancing

An application that takes control of chilled water consumption at AHUs to optimize energy efficiency, occupant comfort, and equipment life. Dynamic Chilled Water Balancing delivers 10 to 35% total building energy savings and gives building operators real-time insight into inlet and outlet temperatures, chilled water flow rate, and BTU energy consumption across the line.

See the Guide to DCWB

Whether you oversee one or many locations, onsite or remote, 75F Dynamic Chilled Water Balancing makes managing your buildings a breeze with the 75F® Facilisight suite of web and mobile apps. Gain insight into your building’s HVAC system, view and adjust air temperatures, check system performance, and create custom schedules via the portal or mobile app. Our Global Policy Editor allows you to push updates to multiple locations with one click, making your workflow far more efficient.

The Central Control Unit (CCU) is a modern and practical head-end workstation for real-time insight and control. 75 sensors placed in each zone directly communicate with the CCU, giving building operators the ability monitor inlet and outlet temperatures, chilled water flow rate, and BTU energy consumption across the line. The CCU communicates with the actuator fitted on the two-way valve, which controls the chilled water ΔT in the chilled water line to match the design set point and ensures there is no extra flow, thereby driving energy savings. The CCU also controls the air handling unit (AHU), with more inputs to the load condition in the building, thereby optimizing the chilled water flow. In addition to modulating the chilled water valve supplying the AHU coils, the CCU controls the speed of the fan in the AHU via variable frequency drive (VFD).

75F’s wireless sensors, placed in each zone, capture thousands of data points a minute and millions of data points daily. Data flows across a secure 900 MHz wireless mesh network, to the 75F cloud, where third-party weather forecasting and historical data merges in a dynamic thermal model of each building to predict optimal control strategies. After just a few days, the 75F cloud can accurately anticipate heat loads and can use that information to predictively and proactively control the temperature and air volume in zones or offices.