Let's Talk

Commercial & Environmental Sustainability across your Building Portfolio.

75F delivers industry-leading energy efficiency to building portfolios with a full-stack solution of hardware and software that helps customers meet their carbon and ESG goals, improve sustainability ratings, and deliver long-term value to owners, shareholders and tenants in buildings of all sizes.

Proven & Certified

75F's IoT Building Management System is thoroughly vetted via third-party studies from organizations like the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the Gas Technology Institute, with demonstrated energy savings between 30-50% to match real results from our customers around the globe.

Savings like these are instrumental to prestigious building certifications. We're proud to have our solution contribute to up to 38 different LEED v4.0 points, providing even further capability for you to showcase your good work to the general public.

Keep your Equipment.

Even 20 year-old buildings can become sustainable buildings. Our smart HVAC solution is versatile and can be retrofitted to your existing equipment — or spec'd into a new build.

Learn How We Do It

Save the world.

The average customer in 50,000 square feet of space saves an average of 42% in energy use. This is equivalent to planting 161 trees — a forest in every box.



At 75F we are proud to be members of the United Nations Environment Program, Sustainable Buildings and Climate Initiative (UNEP-SBCI). This international program allows stakeholders to jointly carry out activities supporting sustainable development.

Ready to start saving?

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